Embracing Life’s Seasons
It can be difficult to slow down and accept the ever-changing seasons of life. For the past several months I’ve been in a season of gradual transition, and there are sometimes days or weeks when I struggle with feelings of frustration or impatience. Whether it has been illness that’s hit my household, injuries I’ve been healing from, or projects I’ve consciously put on hold, it can be a challenge to give myself permission to be in the present and not get caught in the continual pull of task completion and always looking ahead. Sometimes the most productive thing we can do is slow down and be with what is – to allow the mind and body a more gentle pace. Otherwise, we’re never actually living in the moment and giving ourselves adequate care and rest. We can’t recharge if our nervous system is in a constant state of stress and anxiety, or overly consumed with what’s next. I’ve had to remind myself that my value is not based on the goals I’ve set or the number of achievements. Instead, we’re worthy by simply being. Often, we need time and space to be more present with day to day life, without the pressure and guilt of wondering if we’ve done enough. It’s impossible to always show up as our best selves and that is okay. Imperfection is allowed and welcome. It is not always about seizing the day and pushing through discomfort. There are so many times throughout our journey when this simply doesn’t serve us or align with our needs, especially for those who are healing.
It’s important that we look at the messaging we surround ourselves with daily. I’ve been working on curating my social media so that what I see or read speaks more directly to the calm that I’ve been seeking. If “get up and kick butt” quotes aren’t feeling in alignment or making you feel “less than” or exhausted, consider minimizing that kind of messaging by unfollowing or muting certain accounts. Maybe looking at images of nature or tips on how to relax your energy would serve you better, or perhaps take time off of social media altogether. We can’t be operating at 100% all of the time or burnout is going to take over. It’s simply unnatural to always be in a state of “doing.” Sometimes it’s about putting things down, taking a step back, and tending to the present moment. After all, nature itself is not blooming year round. There is something we can learn and embody from that truth.
In a fast-paced world, it’s easy to get swept up in the feeling that the clock is always ticking. I have an ongoing battle with myself that there will never be enough time for all that I want to accomplish. I believe this is something many of us wrestle with, especially those of us who have witnessed any of our loved ones die young. The reality of life being short is always in the back of my mind. But with this understanding, I think it’s even more important to focus on each day (or moment) – to allow ourselves to breathe and exist in the here and now. Even if our plans have seemingly been stalled or imagined timelines we set for ourselves have passed, it doesn’t mean we’re failing or that the path changing or slowing down is a negative thing. It could be just what we need. It’s about learning to be flexible and releasing the need for control. Through surrendering to the different rhythms that unfold, we can reach a deeper state of peace and contentment within ourselves.
This is your permission slip to simply be in the mental, emotional, and physical space you’re occupying right now, without judgment. Remember to breathe and seek small moments of gratitude to ground your spirit throughout the day. Your pace and your path are yours and no-one else’s. Remember to let what you do each day be enough, because it is.